Brenan Prize
Registrars in dermatology or pathology are encouraged to present a paper related to dermatopathology at the ADS Meeting. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and presentations should be a maximum of 10 minutes. Abstracts will be published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology. The paper judged to be the most meritorious and/or best presented will receive a prize of AU$1,000.
Clinicopathological Gems
All registrants are invited to participate in this popular segment, giving a short presentation on an illustrative case or cases they have encountered. Abstracts should be no longer than 150 words. Presentations must be no longer than 5 minutes. Multiple presentations may be accepted.
How to submit an abstract
All abstracts must be submitted via email to
- Submissions for the Brenan Prize must use the following template “Brenan Prize Abstract Template".
- Submissions for the Clinicopathological Gems must use the following template “Clinicopathological Gems Abstract Tempate”.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the meeting handbook.
It is essential that authors obtain written permission to reproduce material from other sources and acknowledge those sources. Agreement must be obtained from all co-authors or parties relevant to the case and, if necessary, patient consent must be obtained.
The closing date for all abstracts is midnight Wednesday 11 June 2014
Confirmation of receipt of abstracts
Upon receipt of your abstract, you will receive confirmation by email. If you wish to later edit your abstract, you should email the new version to by no later than Wednesday 11 June 2014. No changes will be accepted after this deadline.
Acceptance notification
Your abstract will be assessed by the organising committee, but no decision will be announced before the closing date. The main contact person for the presentation will be informed via email as to the outcome of the abstract reviewing process early in June.